Host Family registration form

    Family Home address


    Host Family Member. Main contact

    Host Family Member

    Other Family Members


    Living at home?


    Living at home?


    Living at home?


    Living at home?

    Homestay information

    If you wish to host under 18 with us, you must be GARDA VETTED. We will send you the Garda Vetting Form with our welcome email.

    Booking type offered Ministays 1 weekSummer stays 2-4 weeksAcademic students 3-9 monthsSelf catering or half board for +18 guests

    Do you have pets? CatDogOutdoor pets onlyNo petsOther

    If yes, could you please tell us about your pets (names, breeds...)

    Does anyone smoke inside your home?

    It's not compulsory but you can be sure your future student would appreciate you can send some pictures we can share with him/her

    Other information

    Bank details

    We pay our host families by bank transfer, so we will appreciate you fill in your bank account details.

    I read and agree the HomeStay terms, conditions and recommendations *.

    • Person responsible for the file and data protection: David Cabezudo i Fors.

    • Ofjective: Objective: Assembly of the solicited information in order to perform the offered services.

    • Legal legitimation for the processing of the data. Consent of the interested party.

    • Rights: To access, rectify, limit and delete the data.

    • Data recipients: The data might be handed over to the collaborating companies and the school attended by the student being hosted, if necessary, in order to present the offered services.

    • Data storage time limit: The personal data will be stored for as long as the professional relationship is maintained or until the deletion of the data is requested and within the period during which legal responsibilities of the service presented can be derived.